Health and Safety (SIL)
Scope of this chapter
We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff and Service Users and anyone affected by our business activities and to provide a safe environment for all those attending our premises through regular assessments of risks in the workplace.
In particular, we are committed to maintaining safe and healthy working conditions through control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities ensuring the safe handling and use of substances, consulting with our staff, and providing appropriate information, instruction, training, and supervision and taking steps to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health.
In accordance with our health and safety duties, we are responsible for:
- Assessing risks to health and safety and identifying ways to overcome them;
- Providing and maintaining a healthy and safe place to work and a safe means of entering and leaving our premises, including emergency procedures for use when needed;
- Providing information, instruction, training, and supervision in safe working methods and procedures as well as working areas and equipment that are safe and without risks to health;
- Ensuring that equipment has all necessary safety devices installed, that equipment is properly maintained and that appropriate protective clothing is provided;
- Promoting co-operation between members of staff to ensure safe and healthy conditions and systems of work by discussion and effective joint consultation;
- Regularly monitoring and reviewing the management of health and safety at work, making any necessary changes, and bringing those to the attention of all staff.
All staff must also recognise that everyone shares responsibility for achieving healthy and safe working conditions. You must consider the health and safety implications of your acts and/or omissions and take reasonable care for your health and safety and that of others.
Any health and safety concerns should be reported to the Principal Health and Safety Officer. (customer to name)
You must co-operate with the Health and Safety Officer, supervisors, and managers on health and safety matters and comply with any health and safety instructions.
You must take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others by observing safety rules applicable to you and following instructions for the use of equipment (including safety equipment and protective clothing).
Any health and safety concern, however trivial it might seem, including any potential risk, hazard or malfunction of equipment, must be reported to the Principal Health and Safety Officer (or your line manager)
You must co-operate in the investigation of any accident or incident that has led, or which we consider might have led, to injury.
Failure to comply with health and safety rules and instructions or with the requirements of this policy may be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.
We are committed to providing information, instruction and supervision on health and safety matters for all staff as well as consulting with them regarding arrangements for health and safety management.
All staff must use equipment in accordance with operating instructions, instructions given by managers and any relevant training. Any fault with, damage to or concern about any equipment or its use must immediately be reported.
Employees must ensure that health and safety equipment is not interfered with and that any damage is immediately reported.
No member of staff should attempt to repair equipment unless trained and designated to do so. Failure to report damage to or a fault with equipment or failure to use it as directed may result in action under our Disciplinary Procedure.
Any accident at work involving personal injury should be reported to the Safety Officer so that details can be recorded in the Accident Book. All staff must cooperate with any resulting investigation.
Details of first aid facilities and trained first aiders are displayed on the notice board(s).
If you suffer an accident at work you (or someone on your behalf) must report that fact to the Safety Officer or your manager as soon as possible. All accidents should be reported, however trivial. The accident will be recorded in our Accident Book.
RIDDOR is the law that requires employers, and other people in control of work premises, to report and keep records of work-related accidents which cause:
- Death;
- Work-related accidents which cause certain serious injuries (reportable injuries);
- Diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases;
- Certain ‘dangerous occurrences’ (incidents with the potential to cause harm);
- Special requirements for gas incidents (see ‘Reportable gas incidents’);
In the event of the above incidents which are required to be reported under RIDDOR guidance (2013) these will be undertaken by the Safety Officer.
In the event of an epidemic or pandemic alert we will organise our business operations and provide advice on steps to be taken by staff, in accordance with official guidance, to reduce the risk of infection at work as far as possible. Any questions should be referred to your line manager.
It is important for the health and safety of all our staff that you comply with instructions issued in these circumstances. Failure to do so will be dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.
You should familiarise yourself with the instructions about what to do in the event of fire which are displayed on notice boards. You should also know where the fire extinguishers are, ensure that you are aware of your nearest fire exit and alternative ways of leaving the building in an emergency.
Fire wardens are responsible for the effective evacuation of designated areas. In the event of a suspected fire or fire alarm you must follow their instructions.
Regular fire drills will be held to ensure that our fire procedures are effective and to ensure you are familiar with them. These drills are important and must be taken seriously.
You should notify the Safety Officer (or your manager) as soon as possible if there is anything (for example, impaired mobility) that might impede your evacuation in the event of a fire.
If you discover a fire you should not attempt to tackle it unless you have been trained or feel competent to do so. You should operate the nearest fire alarm and, if you have sufficient time, call the LINE MANAGER / ON CALL and report the location of the fire.
On hearing the fire alarm you should remain calm and walking quickly, not running, evacuate the building immediately following the instructions of the fire wardens. Do not stop to collect personal possessions and do not re-enter the building until you are told that it is safe to do so.
General workplace risk assessments are carried out when required or as reasonably requested by members of staff or management. Managers are responsible for ensuring that any necessary risk assessments are undertaken and that recommended changes to the workplace and working practices are implemented.
Locality Risk Assessments are undertaken prior to placements including any known or potential environmental hazards / risks.
Last Updated: November 25, 2021